Aggregates for the road-building industry - demand forecast and price sensitivity
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Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarządzania pod auspicjami PAN, Wydział Informatycznych Technik Zarządzania
Mining Science 2010;130(Special Issue 37):269-277
The relationship between demand for crushed rock and its price is a complicated one, since the demand
depends also on prices of other components of the road-building companies’ operational costs.
First, we study historical price changes, taking into account transportation costs of aggregates, and we
assess the figures for 2009. Next, we analyze the sensitivity of the costs and profit margins of roadbuilding
companies to prices of aggregates. Finally, we analyze the mutual dependence of crushed rock
consumption and its price. Our outlook till 2015 for the demand for crushed rock for Polish road-building
industry is also presented.
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