Aggregates from hard coal extractive waste
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Instytut Mechanizacji Budownictwa i Górnictwa Skalnego
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Stefan Góralczyk
Instytut Mechanizacji Budownictwa i Górnictwa Skalnego, 02-673 Warszawa, ul. Racjonalizacji 6/8
Mining Science 2010;130(Special Issue 37):105-114
Hard coal extractive and processing industry is in Poland one of the industrial branch producing the largest amount of waste. Each year about 34.4 mil. t of extractive waste is produced, which are used in terrain leveling and engineering works. This situation has to be changed due to the new regulations biding since 2008 devoted to this branch of economy (law 10.07.2008 wastes of extractive industry). The effect of these regulations is a growing interest of manufacturers extractive waste owners in technologies allowing the utilization or treatment of waste. The article presents alternative methods and technologies of extractive waste management in aggregates, building materials and industrial. According to the authors these technologies should become a subject of interest for mining and road industry, as well as for power industry.
Ustawa z dnia 10.07.2008 r. o odpadach wydobywczych (DzU 2008.138.865).
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