Analyzing Method to Evaluate Effect of Roadway Pressure Relief
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Hunan University of Science and Technology
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Weijun Wang   

Hunan University of Science and Technology
Mining Science 2020;27:283-302
Based on the theory of matter–element extension, this paper uses the calculation results of FLAC 3D as raw data to systematically evaluate the effects of roadway pressure relief under different pressure relief options. 1) Pressure relief can reduce rock stress on the mining roadway to a certain extent by arranging the pressure relief roadway above or on one side of it. However, the low-stress area formed by the former is larger than that created by the latter. Moreover, appropriately increasing the width of the pressure relief roadway above the mining roadway can effectively improve the stress environment of the mining roadway. 2) The excavation sequence of the pressure relief roadway and the mining roadway has a greater impact on the pressure relief effect. Adopting the method of "excavating the pressure relief roadway first, and after the stress of the surrounding rock of the pressure relief roadway is stabilized, then excavating the mining roadway" can greatly reduce or avoid the disturbance effect caused by the pressure relief roadway excavation. This sequence of excavation can significantly reduce or avoid the effects of disturbances caused by the excavation of the pressure relief roadway. 3) Excavating the pressure relief roadway on one side of the mining roadway can effectively reduce the deformation of its roof, and arranging the pressure relief roadway above the mining roadway can effectively control the deformation of its two sides. Appropriately increasing the width of the pressure relief roadway above the mining roadway can improve the effect of pressure relief.
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