The main qualities sought for a mortar are usually; the high compactness, good sealing or impermeability, better mechanical strength and long-term durability. The different methods of accelerating setting and hard-ening of the mortar as well as the desired characteristics are of great importance with regard to the use of mortars and their different applications in civil engineering.
This work is a contribution to improving the properties of mortars at fresh and hardened state by differ-ent activation techniques in particular chemical alkaline activators method. The properties of chemically activated mortars using alkaline solutions (KOH and NaOH) at dosages of 0, 2 and 4% was investigated in this experimental program using a based cement matrix with dune sand and blended cement type CEM II/ B grade 42.
The results obtained showed the beneficial effect of the chemical activation modes mainly, an improve-ment of the mechanical response (compressive strength) at young age and in the long term.
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