Digital simulation is the effective method to have a knowledge on the screening efficiency of complex
multi-deck separation system and reliable tool for optimizing the process. Controlling parameter of the
screening process is the screen aperture. The paper presents results of digital experiments performed on
two 3-deck screens. The screening efficiency of the process along the surface of three-deck screen device
is analyzed in the paper. Each deck of a screen is assumed as the subsequent system of 6 screens of the
equal length and different size aperture. Simulation of the process performed gave the answer how the
screened material is distributed by the mass and grain size as well as how the screening efficiency is
distributed depend on feed load and size distribution or parameters of the screens. The total result of the
process was evaluated by process quality indicator. Calculations are based on the mathematical model of
screening as a function geometric and dynamic parameters of the screen.
DRZYMAŁA J., 2007, Mineral processing, WUT, Wrocław.
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