Computer simulation as one of the tools for modelling of the work cycle of loading and transport of the raw material at a quarry
Technical Univesity of Kosice, Faculty BERG, Institute of Logistics and Transport
Autor do korespondencji
Janka Saderova   

Technical Univesity of Kosice, Faculty BERG, Institute of logistics and transport
Mining Science 2020;27:199-208
The article deals with the modelling of the technological process at a quarry. The process modelling was carried out applying the simulation. The analysis of the operations performed within the technological pro-cess was used as the basis for the creation of the simulation model in the ExtendSim simulation software. The model simulation consisted of two parts. The first part represented the work cycle of a lorry - loading the lorry, a journey with the loaded material, emptying the load and a journey back to the loading station. The second part represented the work cycle of a loader that loads the material onto the lorry. The designed model was used to carry out several experiments. The article presents the results of two experiments. The simulation experiments were carried out for two different simulated times; the simulated time of 1 hour and the simulated time of 7.5 hours, representing 1 work shift. The results of the simulation comprised several parameters of time- and operation-related indicators. The presented simulation model is an appropriate ac-cessory tool for the decision-making process when designing new systems or assessing the existing ones.
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