Energy efficiency of the bottom cover of a conveyor belt – the first step to the new classification of belts
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Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej
Mining Science 2014;21(Special Issue 2):47-60
Following the European policy of decreasing the energy consumption (and the corresponding CO2 emission), since 1992 energy labelling of household appliances have been introduced on the European market. The idea of labelling (A, B,.. , G) of machines and other objects that consume energy has been expanded onto cars and buildings. The industry also has to increase the energy efficiency therefore it seems to be suitable to begin with energy labelling of machinery equipment. Transportation in the mining industry shares up to 50% of the total energy consumption of a mining system. Apart of cars (that already have been subjected to energy labelling) belt conveyors are the most extensively used transportation equipment in the mining industry. The authors propose to undertake the activity aiming the implementation of energy labelling of belt conveyors worked in the large transportation systems. In this paper some entry concepts and results of classification of energy efficiency of conveyor belts with regard to parameters of a belt running cover are presented. The calculations are made with the use if the domestic software QNK-TT with the primary resistances module.
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