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Wroclaw University of Technology
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Weronika Karkocha   

Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Mining Science 2015;22(Special Issue 2):15-21
All methods of rock burst hazard evaluation and control are classified as rock burst prevention. The prevention methods can be divided in two general categories – the passive (non-active) and active ones. Active methods of rock burst prevention focus generally on reducing of stress level in the area of its concentration through controlled tremors and rock bursts by blasting works. Among the active methods the hydraulic fracturing can be noted. Traditional hydraulic fracturing techniques generally form main hydraulic cracks. However, when we combine hydraulic fracturing with blasting we might obtain much better results. For example, the hydraulic crack range becomes wider than by using only conventional methods. In coal seams it is possible to increase permeability which makes gas drainage to be more effective. It is because water shockwaves and bubble pulsations induced by the explosion, cause a high strain rate in the rock mass surrounding the bore hole. When hydraulic fracturing is used, a micro seismic event takes place. This is why micro seismic technologies are used to monitor the range of hydraulic fracturing process. This article is only mentioning the issue which in the Author opinion, deserves more attention.
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