Laser scanning application for dumping ground and storage areas volume definition on the example of "Pilawa Górna" mine
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Poltegor Instytut, Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego, 51-616 Wrocław, ul. Parkowa 25
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Sławomir Patla
Poltegor Instytut, Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego, 51-616 Wrocław, ul. Parkowa 25
Mining Science 2009;125(35):171-178
Possibilities of surface lasers scanning utilization in the process of storage areas, dumping grounds and mine excavation volume inventorying has been described. Laser scanning is one of the most modern methods of precise surface mapping, as well as location definition and cubature determination. This method has broad application in mining and constriction industry and indicates direction of innovative determination of shape and volume of excavation, dumping ground and storage areas. Technology of special data collection, handing, analysis and presentation has been discussed. Presented method has been compared with classical measurement technologies. Advantages and disadvantages of the method have been described.
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