Lower Silesia as a strategic area for the domestic market of dimension and road stone
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Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
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Katarzyna Guzik   

Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN, 31-261 Kraków, ul. Józefa Wybickiego 7
Mining Science 2010;130(Special Issue 37):147-157
The paper presents current trends on the dimension stone market in Poland. The main varieties of rocks, which have importance for domestic production of blocks, slabs, curbs, pitchers and ashlars, were thoroughly characterized in terms of resources as well as volume of the output. The special attention was put on the Lower Silesia area, where ca. 90% of total dimension stone in Poland is extracted. The article presents also some data about structure and volume of imports and exports as well as about their influence on management of dimension and road stone in Lower Silesia. Moreover, the main directions of dimension and road stone utilization in Poland were given.
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