Medicinal CO2-rich water deposits in the Polish part of the Sudetes
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Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, Department of Mining
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Elżbieta Liber-Makowska   

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, Department of Mining
Mining Science 2021;28:247-261
The article presents characteristics of medicinal CO2-rich water deposits occurring in different hydrogeological units of the Sudetes. The conditions of deposit formation in different and lithologically diverse rock media lead to the occurrence of waters varying in TDS (0.03-6.7 g/L) and CO2 content (0.2-3.5 g/L) in a relatively small area of the Polish Sudetes. There are also CO2-rich water intakes with various total discharges in particular deposits: from 5216 m3/year in Czerniawa-Zdrój to 250871 m3/year in Duszniki-Zdrój. Particular attention has been paid to quantitative and qualitative parameters of Duszniki-Zdrój and Szczawno-Zdrój deposits. In Szczawno-Zdrój, the exploited intakes are springs with discharges in the range of 0.006-0.225 m3/h, and in Duszniki-Zdrój – boreholes with discharges ranging from 4.2 to 18.0 m3/h. The article presents the results of a statistical analysis of CO2 content and intake discharge. Hydrogeochemical analyses have been performed with the use of AquaChem 2014.2 software.
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