Methodology for underground mining method selection
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Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences
Rudplan DOOEL
Corresponding author
Stojance Mijalkovski   

Mining Science 2021;28:201-216
The mining method selection for underground mining is one of the most important decisions when designing a mine. This selection depends on the mining-geological, mining-technical and economic factors. The mining method selection for underground mining can be described as a multi-criteria decision-making process, as several factors are involved in the selection process. In this paper, a methodology for rational and optimal mining method selection for underground min-ing of metallic mineral resources has been developed. First, a rational selection of the four best-ranked mining methods for underground mining is performed using numerical methods (Nicholas' approach and the modified approach of Nicholas, i.e. UBC selection of mining method). This is fol-lowed by the optimal selection of underground mining method using multi-criteria decision-making methods (ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, AHP, and integrated AHP-PROMETHEE) and by comparing the obtained rankings, the optimal mining method is selected.
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