Methods of estimating the role and function of rock materials regions in the country's economy
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AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Katedra Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
Mining Science 2012;134(Special Issue 41):275-284
Rock materials play the crucial role in the economy of any country, in the building industry, communication, chemical and metallurgical industries, and many others. Rock materials are exploited in a continuous way in subsequent years and the amount of output depends on temporary demand. Rock materials exploiting sites tend to be located in extensive areas and therefore there is always freedom of locating a new production site as well as further development of the existing one. The role and function of a rock materials region depends mainly on the size of raw materials base and its quality, but also on mutual distribution of regions in relation to one another, their recipients and the existing spatial infrastructure of the region, its natural, cultural, and educational values. All the above factors influence the role and function of raw materials regions as the result of numerous consistent or exclusive reasons. The analysis was prepared on the example of southern regions of Poland.
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