Open-pit overburden dump characterization using digital image processing technique
Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (ISM), India
Autor do korespondencji
Radhakanta Koner   

Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (ISM), 826004, Dhanbad, India
Mining Science 2024;31:81-101
The safety of the open-pit overburden dump slope largely depends on the geomaterial size and shape. The shape of these geomaterials contributes to their shear resistance against sliding. The present investigation proposed a method to characterize the geomaterial using the digital image processing technique. The resources invested in this work are a simple digital camera and a computational toolbox. The system estimates the size distribution of geomaterial. The study also proposed a methodology for reconstructing the 3D geometry of the mine dump from the images. The advantage of the method is a low-cost, quick assessment of the dump geomaterial, and outcomes can easily be used in a numerical toolbox. The study was conducted in Barakar Valley Coalfields, West Bengal, India. The geomaterials above 4 mm sizes are considered in this work. The results matched the mechanical sieving output of the particle size distribution curve.
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