The paper describes a prospective area of thermal water occurrence linked to the strike of a deep tectonic fracture within the Orlica-Śnieżnik dome. The indicated area contains CO2-rich waters, carbonated waters and thermal waters with mean temperatures oscillating from 10.3ºC to 35.0ºC. The TDS content in these waters oscillates from 0.8 to 11.5 g/L. The mean intake discharge varies from 1.67 m3/h to 36.3 m3/h. The conducted research demonstrated a correlation between discharge variation, water temperature and the HCO3- ion content in Duszniki-Zdrój intakes. Based on an analysis of the physicochemical properties of the discussed waters, an attempt was made to estimate deposit temperatures by using chemical geothermometers. The obtained results were corrected by including the results of water saturation variability analysis in relation to rock medium. The probable temperatures of the analysed waters in particular deposits fall within the range of 71°C to 140°C.
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