RAM analysis of rotary drilling machines
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Department of Mining Engineering, Sahand University of Technology
Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden
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Mohammad Javad Rahimdel   

Department of Mining Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran, 5331711111 Tabriz, Iran
Mining Science 2016;23:77-89
Rotary drilling machines are the most common machines used for drilling the blast holes in mining and constructions activities. The vital role of drilling operation in mining activities reveals that, the performance analysis of drilling machines and their failure and repair behaviors are essential. Therefore, the present study focuses on the reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) of drilling machines. In this paper, four rotary drilling machines at Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine in Iran are considered for repair and failure data collection. RAM analysis of drilling machines is done using Markov Approach. Results show that the reliability of drilling fleet is decreased by 0.67% in per hour drilling. The hydraulic system is the main unavailability reason of all machines. Moreover, the most failures of the two newest machines are completely repaired in 25 hours.
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