Relationship between the geometry of the transition section and the loads acting on the conveyor belt
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Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
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Dariusz Woźniak   

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Mining Science 2023;30:83-97
This article presents a universal theoretical model of the belt in the transition section of a troughed conveyor, for a steel-cord belt which is divided into cords and layers of rubber, and for a textile belt which is divided into narrow strips. It describes geometrical forces in the transition section of the belt and offers an illustrative analysis of loads acting on the belt. The analysis addresses the influence of the belt type on the non-uniform character of loads in the transition section of the conveyor. It focuses on how the non-uniformity of loads acting on the belt is affected by the length of the transition section, the trough angle, the belt width, and the height difference between the contour of the pulley coat and the coat of the middle idler in the trough. It presents optimal values of the pulley height with respect to the middle idler in the trough, which mitigate this non-uniformity. The use of a belt type different than the original type has been found to affect the belt load non-uniformity in the transition section of the conveyor.
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