Selecting a mining warehouse location
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professor, North Macedonia
Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Goce Delcev University, North Macedonia
Faculty of Geosciences, Isa Boletini University, Kosovo
Corresponding author
Stojance Mijalkovski   

professor, North Macedonia
Mining Science 2024;31:231-247
Choosing the optimal location for building a new or renovating an existing mining warehouse is of great importance, especially when it comes to a company that has multiple mines in different locations and needs to build one main mining warehouse. Multi-criteria decision-making finds wide application in solving many problems in mining, such as selecting the location of a main mining warehouse. When multi-criteria decision-making is applied to solve a problem, a larger number of criteria are taken into account that affect the alternatives differently, and the optimal alternative is chosen based on them. In this paper, a methodology for optimal selection of the location of the main mining warehouse will be developed using seven multi-criteria decision-making methods. After the problem has been solved using all seven methods, the resulting rankings will be compared and the optimal location of the main mining warehouse will be selected.
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