Simulation of a high-pressure water jet structure as an innovative tool for pulverizing copper ore in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
KGHM Cuprum Research & Development Centre, Wroclaw, Poland.
Fluid Engineering Laboratory, Nihon University, Koriyama, Japan
Autor do korespondencji
Przemysław Józef Borkowski   

KGHM Cuprum Research & Development Centre, ul.Gen.Wł.Sikorskiego 2-8, 53-659 Wroclaw, Poland
Mining Science 2015;22:147-159
Effective comminution of copper ore for further processing during flotation is still a challenge, both as a technological problem as well as for the high energy costs of such processing.A high-pressure water jet is one alternative method of preparing copper ore for final flotation, causing distinct enlargement of the surface of micronized particles, which could be profitable for copper production.As a consequence of such innovative processing, particles of copper ore become micronized, ensuring grain fractions directly useful for flotation at the exit of the pulverizing apparatus (the hydro-jetting mill).The paper presents some results of simulation as well as describing an analysis of the phenomena occurring inside the high-pressure water and abrasive-water jets of specific structures, elaborated in the aspect of developing hybrid jets of maximum erosive efficiency, potentially useful for effective pulverization.
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