The evaluation of the selection of design parameters of chosen carrying idlers with the use of FEM
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Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Górnictwa
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Robert Król
Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Górnictwa, pl. Teatralny 2, 50-051 Wrocław.
Mining Science 2012;135(42):37-53
The state-of-the-art designing of heavy machinery, including belt conveyors and idlers requires the analysis of their design parameters with the use of optimization procedures. In the paper, basing upon the delivered technical documentation, the results of analysis of the choice of the appropriate geometrical and material parameters of belt conveyor idlers for the high capacity coal and overburden transportation in lignite surface mines has been presented. The distribution of operational loadings in the mine has been identified. Several analysis, including but not limited to the possibility of alternative positioning of a hub within a coating, accuracy of assumed tolerance, stresses concentration in welded joints and shape of hub analysis.
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