The waste-slag from the electrical furnace of copper mill "Głogów" as the raw material to the production of aggregates
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KGHM Ecoren SA
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Paweł Gambal   

KGHM Ecoren SA, 59 – 301 Lubin, ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 45A
Mining Science 2010;130(Special Issue 37):71-81
The technology of the effusion of the liquid slag from the electrical furnace worked out in KGHM Ecoren at the participation IMN and HMG lets for the production of high-grade material for the production of artificial aggregates. Physicochemical parameters of new material and of aggregates receved from it are very close to the usage parameters of presently produced aggregates from gliding slags. This permits offering of the new attractive product the market of aggregates. Besides, this newly worked out technology permits the usage of significant amounts of waste which in other case would have to be mostly stored. Artificial aggregates produced of postcopper-slags are good material used in many building constructions projects, also these connected with the preparations to Euro 2012. Thanks to the usage of significant amounts of post-coper slag KGHM Ecoren protects the natural resources of our country.
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